Beauty · Photography


Hey Everyone!

Everyone has been raving about NYX lip products so I decided to give them a try.

  1. IMG_2393.JPGI am in love with this matte lipstick! not only is the colour beautiful, it is also very long-lasting.
  2. IMG_2397A lovely vibrant nude shade.
  3. IMG_2403The colour of this NYX lip cream is closer to the natural lip colour. I would say this colour is a bit too light to wear on its own.
  4. IMG_2400.JPGA lovely deep brown shade, since I do not wear dark shades everyday this is good to wear occasionally.



  • Matte lipstick 9/10
  • Lip creams 6.5/10
  • Intense butter gloss 7.5/10

Overall, the matte lipstick is my favourite! Would love to try it also in other shades. My main issue with the lip creams is the smell. Since I am very sensitive to smells, the lip cream’s sweet vanilla scent is not ideal for me. In addition, they are not long lasting and quite drying on the lips. However, they feel very light and easy to wear also I love the shade Stockholm, so I will be keeping these in my University bag. As for the intense butter gloss, even-though the colour is quite nice, it is a bit sticky and I do not wear dark shades often, so I will be keeping this for certain occasions. However, I do sometimes wear the lip cream in London over my butter gloss in Chocolate crepe to reduce the glossiness and lighten the shade.


  • Matte Lipstick: Yes
  • Lip creams: No
  • Intense butter gloss: Maybe

Hope you guys enjoyed this post.

Until next time!


  1. I have the butter gloss (i don’t think i have the INTENSE one though, i guess mine is regular) in creme brulle. It looks so natural and beautiful! The funny thing is I actually love the smell 😂 one issue i have with the butter gloss is that it seems to only stay on for like 5 minutes. Pretty annoying. Does that happen with the intense option as well? /KM

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